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Breckenridge Colorado

"The hardest part for me was acknowledging the problem. I thought postpartum depression meant you were sobbing every single day and incapable of looking after a child. But there are different shades and depths of it..." -   Gwyneth Paltrow

Photo by Angela Pidala

Pregnant Moms Group

Who: pregnant moms in their 2nd or 3rd trimester


What: structured curriculum to learn different coping skills, increase attachment to baby, and offer supportive connection with other pregnant & soon to be moms


When: TBD


Where: 100% online!


Cost: $240 for all 6 sessions

Postpartum Moms Group

Who: postpartum moms up to 1 year after delivery


What: structured curriculum providing opportunities to connect with other new moms, learn different ways to be emotionally healthy, and in turn how to pass on these skills to your children


When: TBD


Where: 100% online!


Cost: $240 for all 6 sessions

Registration for this group is not open at this time. Join our mailing list, by entering your email below, to receive updates and information about upcoming groups and events!

Pregnant Mom
Group of Moms with infant baby
New Pregnant Mom
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